-Author and Historian-

George Washington's Prayers
Washington dutifully recorded the words of advice his mother, Mary, gave him when he was leaving home to begin what would turn out to be a lifelong service to his country. She instructed her son with these words: “Remember that God is our only one trust. To Him, I commend you … My son, neglect not the duty of secret prayer.”
And did George Washington heed his mother‘s admonition? Of course he did.
Throughout his life, whether while a young man, Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, or President of the United States, George Washington showed, by example, how meaningful were his mother’s teachings.

This is a book that I will return to many times for inspiration. Very good book for everyone to read.
Amazon Customer Review
The prayers of George Washington are truly inspirational! Great book. A must read for anyone wanting to know what importance God was to the the founding of our country, and to the father of our nation.
Amazon Customer Review